
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Running the race

With the political season coming to a close here is the USA (14 days until Election Day), I thought I would share some Bible verses that came to mind.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (Hebrews 12:1 NIV84)

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7 NIV84)

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:24 NIV84)

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. (Acts 20:24 NIV84)

It is my prayer that while we are running the last part of this race(this political race), we will always keep in mind the great race. And that in all we do, we give the glory to God and be a witness for Him.

And...I encourage you to research candidates and then get out and VOTE!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

21 Days of Musings - Day 3

Day 3 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have

I know I have many bad habits and I wish I had more good habits. I would like to have a better habits of memorizing Scripture and reading my Bible daily and other things along these lines, but alas, I am a human being and these do not come as easily. So there are some habits I would like to switch.

So one of my worst bad habits is probably fidgeting... This is one that would be very helpful to be rid of. While fidgeting, I have broken a few things. Recently, I was fidgeting with my phone case and I broke this little stand off of it that made it possible to have the phone sit on its side so you could watch videos. Now I can no longer do that. I have found a little bit of a remedy though. I have found I do a lot less fidgeting, if I put my hands to good use. If I am watching a movie or talking with someone, I do much better if I am knitting, doing a craft, folding laundry, or practically anything with my hands. If I am at Church or in a class, I take notes. I am a hands-on learner, a kinesthetic learner. So by using my hands, I do better than trying to hold them still.

What habit would you like to be rid of?Have you found any "cures" for your bad habits?

Friday, October 5, 2012

21 Days of Musings - Day 2

Day 2 - The meaning behind your Blog name and why you decided to start blogging

I really like alliterations! Alliterations are "the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables" (Merriam-Webster, alliteration). So when I originally decided to blog, I wanted to come up with a fun name for my blog. I wanted a place where I could blog random thoughts, journal, etc... My mom came up with the word "Musings" (She is great with words and she knew I was looking for an alliteration). The name "Musings Made by Mandy" was then born!

The original reason I started blogging was because I felt God was calling me to write for young women. I felt that I needed to provide a Christian alternative to the magazines that are out there for girls. Since I was not financially able to at the time produce a magazine for girls, God opened the door to blogging for me. I started JOY Blog. I blogged over at JOY Blog for almost 6 years. I started my Musings blog as a personal blog, without a format. JOY Blog had a format and was more of a monthly blog. This last Spring, I felt that I could not keep up both blogs. So as of right now, JOY Blog is inactive (but you can still check out the old articles if you would like). I am currently only blogging here on Musings. My goal is that my blog with always glorify God and that it will be a witness to those who read it. I try to be open and share real life stories. I want you to see the light of Jesus through me and my blog!

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16 (NIV1984)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

21 Days of Musings-Day 1

Day 1- 15 interesting facts about yourself
 (Disclaimer: These may only be interesting to me!)
  1. I am an auntie (12 times)
  2. I like to cook
  3. I like to read
  4. I love iced tea
  5. Summer is my favorite season, Winter is my least favorite.
  6. Cotton Candy is one of my favorite things!
  7. My favorite snack is popcorn
  8. I was homeschooled all my life until my Junior year and then I did two years of college before I finished high school!
  9. I finished all of my coursework for my B.A. degree before I was 20!
  10. I like volunteering. I have volunteered for MOPs, Awana, our homeschool co-op, and I interned at my state Capitol!
  11. I love getting mail, especially good, old-fashion, snail-mail!
  12. My favorite colors are red and blue
  13. The 4th of July is my 3rd favorite holiday! (Christmas and Easter come first)
  14. I love politics and am a political junkie :)
  15. I love reading quotes. I never remember to use them, but I enjoy learning from them!

A Blogging Challenge???

Blogging. A word that wasn't even around when I was just a kid, but today it is a big deal! And I have come to really enjoy blogging. I have to say though, I am not a very good blogger. I enjoy writing, but I just don't take the time to do it consistently (as you have probably realized). So I am going to attempt to do a condensed version of a 30-day challenge I found online. I am going to try for a 21-day. Below is my 21-day list and then I will post Day 1. 

Mandy's 21 Days of Musings!

  1. 15 interesting facts about yourself
  2. The meaning behind your Blog name and why you decided to start blogging
  3. A habit that you wish you didn’t have
  4. A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
  5. Favorite book/author
  6. A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
  7. Short term goals for this month and why
  8. Your Favorite Music Playlist
  9. From where or whom do your favorite quotes come
  10. Plans/dreams/goals you have
  11. Nicknames you have; why do you have them
  12. A picture of something that makes you happy
  13. What makes you different from everyone else
  14. Favorite movie and/or TV show
  15. A day in your life
  16. What I would find in your bag
  17. What are you learning right now
  18. Favorite blogs/websites
  19. Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
  20. What is your favorite Bible Verse and why
  21. In this past month, what have you learned