
Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Musings - Do the right thing

A quote from William Penn:

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it,
and, wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."

Many times in our culture, we go along with the crowd. Here is a nice reminder to stand for what is right.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Flag Day!

In honor of Flag Day, I thought I would share a few pictures of the flags I saw on my last vacation to Washington D.C.!
Outside of the Supreme Court Building

The Library of Congress

The White House

By one of the war memorials
Happy Flag Day!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Washington DC Trip - The Keychain Version (part 7)

Colonial Williamsburg

Our last stop on the way home was Colonial Williamsburg. It was incredible to see a working town from before the 1780. I was able to walk in the same streets that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson walked. 

Colonial Williamsburg Keychain

The Church

Part of the town

In the Governor's House

Monday, June 10, 2013

Washington DC Trip - The Keychain Version (part 6)

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel

On our way home, we drove through on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. It is the weirdest tunnel/bridge I have ever been on. It is 20 miles long. It starts as a bridge and then you go down under the water in a tunnel, then back up to a bridge, then another tunnel, and finally a bridge to the other side. It was quite the experience!

The keychain below is from the gift shop that is about halfway across. There is also a restaurant that is pretty much in the middle of the water!

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Keychain

Looking across to the other bridge. The tunnel is under the water!

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel

Friday, June 7, 2013

Washington DC Trip - The Keychain Version (part 5)

Ocean City, MD and Assateague Island

Our next stop on our great vacation was camping at Assateague Island. It is the place of the wild horses and as my mom says, "Didn't you read Misty of Chincoteague?" While camping on the beach, we were able to see a few horses. It is fun because they are wild, so they will walk right through your campsite!

One of the wild horses. While I am used to seeing deer on the side of the road, I was not used to seeing horses on the side of the road!
Assateague Island Keychain
Assateague Island Keychain (back side)
While camping on the island, we also drove over to Ocean City and walked the boardwalk! Lots of fun shops there!
Ocean City, MD Keychain
"Sand Art" Someone made this in the sand on the beach in Ocean City.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Washington DC Trip - The Keychain Version (part 4)

Supreme Court Building 
 While in D.C., I was able to tour the Supreme Court building and since I was able to add two keychains to my collection from there, I thought I would share them with you!

The first keychain is a gavel! On one side it say "United States" and on the other it says "Supreme Court".

"United States" gavel keychain
"Supreme Court" gavel keychain

I wasn't going to get this keychain originally because one keychain is enough from each place, but this may be one of the cutest keychains I have ever seen! It is a little tin box and it even opens up. 
Supreme Court keychain

Supreme Court keychain (the top)

Supreme Court keychain (With it open!)

The Supreme Court building is currently being repaired so there is a covering on it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy Birthday to My Little Sister

Today is my "little" sister's birthday. Although, she is not that little or young anymore. She is almost a teenager and is almost as tall as me. 

Happy Birthday J! Love ya!

Here is the link to the post I wrote about how I prayed for a baby sister:

Monday, June 3, 2013

Washington DC Trip - The Keychain Version (part 3)

3rd Stop - Washington D.C. 

Next we headed to Washington D.C.! I was excited to go to the Capitol of the U.S.A.! While there, I had the opportunity to meet with several congress members from my state, visit the Capitol, the Supreme Court, 2 of the Smithsonian Museums, and go to almost all of the memorials around the Capitol Mall. 

This keychain has a few different pictures on it of the different places around D.C.
United States - Washington D.C. 

The Lincoln Memorial

The Capitol

The White House
Vietnam Memorial

The Washington Memorial
The next keychain is another one that shows different sights around the city!
Washington D.C. Keychain