
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Remnants Book Trailer

Have you seen the book trailer for Lisa Tawn Bergren's new book "Remnants"? If not, you can check it out here!

Make sure you check back in the coming weeks for my review of her book!

Finish what you…


Lately it seems that whenever I start a blog post I don’t finish it. And then of course it never gets posted. I have probably started 5 different posts in the last few weeks, but haven’t finished them. I have a good idea and start to map it out. I am not sure what happens next, but I don’t get around to finishing it.

It is my desire to share with you what God is doing in my life, to share the blessings, the hard times, and of course random musings! I want to share real life with you. As always, it is my goal to use my blog to be a light in the darkness. 

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

I am going to try to post a little more often! I know it will still be hit and miss, but I am hoping to get some more shorter posts on here. I am also going to share a few blog posts that were previously posted on the JOY Blog. I hope you enjoy!