
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend Thoughts


It was great Good Friday service at Church tonight. It really brought me back to the meaning and reason of what this day is all about. We went through the 7 last words of Christ. And then we were also brought back to the fact that hope and salvation wasn't lost. If Jesus had stayed in the tomb, we wouldn't have hope. But we do have that hope...Sunday is coming!

Saturday- I shared this on my Facebook page: How Jesus Died for You - it tells what a death is like on a cross. 

Happy Easter! He is risen! Sunday is here!

“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. Mark 16:6 NIV

Monday, April 7, 2014

Memorizing {1 Corinthians 13:1-3}

I am working on memorizing some scripture again. I thought I would share with you what I am working on this week. I am planning on doing all of 1 Corinthians 13, but for this week I'm focusing on the first three verses. I think often times when we are talking about the "love" chapter, we forget the beginning of the chapter. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Remnants Review and Giveaway

I have the privilege of hosting Lisa Tawn Bergren and sharing with you about her new book here on my blog! This is the second time I have been able to interview her. (The first was on JOY Blog). I recently had the opportunity to read Remnants: Season of Wonder, Lisa's lastest YA/Teen book. Not only did I have the honor to read and review the book, but I also was able to ask her a few questions that I will share with you! My review, the interview with Lisa, and details about a GIVEAWAY are below!

Review of Remnants: Season of Wonder by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Did you like the Hunger Games books? Are you looking for another story like that, but hoping for something with a little different ending?

Unlike the previously mentioned books, this book offers hope. The characters in the Remnants book are working to make a difference in the world, a world that is much different from today’s world. The Remnants are a chosen people and each one of them has a knight to protect them. Each Remnant has a gift. And they are all called to save the world, no matter the cost. They must be willing to give up everything. Some already have, losing everything, and everyone, that is dear to them. They face many trials along the way and they do not know all that lies ahead of them. It will be a tough journey ahead.

The story pulls you in and you won’t want to put it down. When I reached the end of the story, I wasn’t ready for it to be over. I guarantee that you will enjoy the story and that you will be anxious for the second story to come out so you can continue reading.

 You can pre-order the book on Amazon, CBD, or Barnes and Noble. Also , check  your local bookstores.

Interview with Lisa Tawn Bergren

1. What made you decide to write YA/Teen books?

Lisa Tawn Bergren (*Photo Credit)
LTB - I’ve been reading teen fiction since my girls got to that reading level—both because I wanted to share some books with them and be aware of what’s out there to choose from. I was hooked! I now love YA fiction…it’s so fun, and themes are relevant to people like me who are middle-aged too!

2. Where did your inspiration come from for the Remnants series?

LTB - I loved the Hunger Games trilogy, but it got me thinking about a potential dystopian with more hope in it, as well as a spiritual thread—things I missed in THG. That’s all it takes to get a seed planted in my brain...

3. How did you pick the name for your lead character?

LTB - It’s an ancient female warrior name. Most of the Remnants and their knights are warrior names, because they’re entering an epic battle!

A couple fun questions

4. What do you like to have to drink in the morning with your breakfast?

LTB - Coffee with a pack of Truvia and creamer.

5. Since many of us are longing for summer... What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? 

LTB - Ride a river on an inner tube. :-)

Like Lisa Tawn Bergren on Facebook or follow on Twitter!


Lisa has offered to give one winner a signed copy of Remnants! To enter to win: (1) you must live in the U.S. (so she can ship it to you) and (2) you must comment below to be entered! 

A few questions to get you started...
  • What did you find interesting from this blog post?
  • Did you read the Hunger Games books or watch the movies?
  • Have you read any of Lisa's other books?
  • What kind of books do you like to read?
  • Have you read  dystopian books before?


Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I heard this one on the radio today and I liked it! Stay young at heart. 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

George Bernard Shaw