
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Intentional in 2017 (Word of the Year)

2017 is here! And we are already 11 days into it!

I have started a new tradition of picking a word for the year. I started in 2015 and am amazed how God seems to put a certain word in front of me and how I see the word repeated over and over again.

2015: Trust
2016: Loved


Life is short and I want to live it well. (Just like the lyrics to this song say.) I want to be intentional in how I am living. 

The dictionary defines Intentional as "done by intention or design". I like looking at synonyms and some of them that stood out to me were: conscious, purposeful, set, willed.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV) says, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." No matter what I am doing, I want to intentionally do it to the glory of God.

There are several ways I want to use the word intentional this year:
  • in relationships with family and friends
  • in my faith
  • in praying more regularly
  • in memorizing scripture
  • in tithing and managing my money
  • in  blogging ;)
  • in all I say and do
I am also looking at specific ways that God is intentional in the ways He uses us, the people He puts in our lives, and more.

This year, I started a Pinterest board for things that remind me of my word. You can check it out here!

(I am also posting more often on the Musings Made By Mandy Facebook page! Please like the page to see when new blog posts are out and for some fun quotes, verses, and other random musings!)

I know this post has contained a lot of musings, but I wanted to give you some of my thoughts on the word Intentional and how I see that playing out in 2017!

Finally, I was asked last year why I choose a word each year (you know the last 3 years anyway!), and here is what I share then:
I like choosing a word because it helps me to have focus and see how God is working in that area of my life. It becomes my theme for the year.
[In 2015], my word was trust. Since it was on my mind, it seemed to come up over and over. Each time with clearer understanding. Even towards the end of the year, when I hadn't thought about it for a while, it came up and I was reminded of it.

I apply the word in different ways. I journal and blog about it. I look up verses and quotes about it. I pray how God wants me to apply it to my life. You can do as little or as much as you want with it!

This book, One Perfect Word by Debbie Macomber, was inspiring, too!

 I would love to hear if you picked a word for the year. If so, what was it and why?