
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Day 3-7 - Gratitude Challenge

Day 3: The Sunrise

Day 4: Rend Collective Concert

Day 5: My job and co-workers. I love working in Children's Ministry. The children are learning about Gratitude this month and this is their grateful chain. Someone wrote my name on the board. So sweet! I am blessed by the people I work with, the children, and their families. 

Day 6: Christian Authors!

Some of the authors I have had the opportunity to meet over the years.

Day 7: Northern Lights!!!
I was so excited to see the Northern Lights, but I was driving and didn't get a picture, so this is just a screenshot from my phone...

What are you grateful for this month?


A Gift of Twins by Gabrielle Meyer - Book Review

A Gift of Twins is another story in Gabrielle Meyer's Little Falls Legacy series. I really enjoyed this Christmas story. It is the story of a teacher that comes to Minnesota. When the town sends for this teacher, they think a man is coming. They wanted a man because every female teacher has gotten married and has then left her teaching position. The town has had to continue to look for teacher after teacher. This teacher convinces the school board to give her a chance because she has no plans to ever get married. 

A Gift of Twins is well put together and a great story. Throughout the whole story, you see how different characters have to make difficult decisions. We all face hard decisions in our lives and we can relate to the situations in the story. Ultimately, we see that even when we don't think we can move forward, we should still keep going and persevere. The friends of the main characters encourage each other and strive to help them succeed and follow their hearts. In the end, you will see just what "unexpected holiday blessings" await! 

(On a side note, the book accurately portrays what a Minnesota winter truly can look like!)

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Day 2 - Gratitude Challenge

Day 2: I'm grateful for my nieces and nephews! All 17 of them! #rohgratitude #thankful #grateful

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Gratitude Challenge - Day 1

This month I am going to do the Revive Our Hearts Gratitude Challenge. 

Day 1: a warm wood stove! 

It is snowing today and quite chilly out. :(

#rohgratitude #thankful #grateful