
Saturday, October 30, 2010


So as most of you know I am going through a program called College Plus. CP is a coaching program that helps you get a degree faster and for less (for sure!). I am really excited about finishing my degree through CP. If you would like more info, check out the link or comment below and ask :)

So, today was the day to decide what college I am going to go through. For the degree I want, a Communications BA, I could either get it at Bryan College or at Thomas Edison State College. There were a lot of deciding factors, including cost, time, and whether or not to go with the Christian education. But after prayer (thank you everyone!) and  weighing the deciding factors, I decided to go with........

Thomas Edison State College!

I decided this will cost me less and I will be able to just get it done faster.

Thanks again everyone for praying for me!

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