
Monday, November 14, 2011

Give Thanks - 11/13/11

Yesterday, Nov. 13, I was thankful for a sermon that spoke to my heart! The sermon was based on a chapter in John. John 12:12-25. The pastor talked about how we have a hard life as Christians, but he also talked about how God will reward us.

One of my favorite things that Pastor John Piper said was, "It is hard to be a Christian, but hard does not equal joylessness". We can have and find joy in the midst of a hard life. It means we do not have to be "woe is me, life is hard". Instead we can find joy in our relationship with Christ and what He is doing in our lives.

To listen to the sermon, click here!

Again, I am thankful that God used this sermon to tough my heart. Please take the time to listen to it!

Philippians 1:3
I thank my God every time I remember you.

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