
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Give Thanks 11/6/11

I give thanks for blankets and quilts. I love to snuggle up in a nice warm blanket. Most of my blankets have special meanings to them. Many of the quilts were made by my grandmas. It is great to have these blankets and quilts as reminders of grandmothers. And they remind me I am loved. Not only by the people who made me the blankets. But by the One who made me. Jesus loves me and He loves you, too!!!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
Give thanks to the God of heaven,
for his steadfast love endures forever. (Psalm 136:1-3, 26 ESV)

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