
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Out of Commission

In the last week I have sort of become "out of commission". On Monday evening, I was putting up a yard sign for the campaign I am working on. I was hammering the rod into the ground and instead of hitting the rod, I hit my finger. Ouch! My whole fingernail came off. So since then, it has been hard to type or write or doing anything at all with that hand. I am truly thankful that I only lost my fingernail and that it wasn't anything worse than that. I am also thankful that it is not as painful as it could be. Thank you Father! It is tough not to be able to do as much as I would like to this week, especially for the campaign.

Please pray for healing of my finger!

That is all for now, it is tough typing when two of my fingers are taped together... :)

Have a safe week!

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