
Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Make 'em wonder what you've got
Make 'em wish that they were not
On the outside looking bored
Let it shine before all men
Let'em see good works, and then
Let 'em glorify the Lord"

Shine by Newsboys

I was just listening to the song, Shine, on the radio. In the intro of the song, it is just music, but pretty soon the lyrics of the chorus (the words above) were running through my head. One of my favorite Bible verses that I have memorized is in Matthew (5:16) where it says, let your light shine before men so they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven. This is a verse I want to live out each and every day.

Some days I find it hard to "shine", other days, it seems a little easier. I believe each day we must make the choice to shine so that God is glorified in our lives. If we choose to shine for Jesus, people will recognize the light, the light of the Son! And they will "wonder what you've got"!

Are you choosing to let your light shine? In what ways are you doing this?

1 comment:

  1. We shine when we live for Jesus!The world will see because you will be different!


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