
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Minnesota Excellence in Public Service Series (MEPS)

Dear Friends and Family,

Over the past 9 months, I have been a part of the Minnesota Excellence in Public Service Series (MEPS) program. The program is a leadership program that trains conservative women in different forms of public service. Once a month we met and had various speakers come in. We learned many different aspects of politics and other ways to serve in our state and local communities. We concluded our training by attending a National Conference in Washington D.C. We met with groups from other states, visited the U.S. Capitol, and heard from national speakers at the conference.

U.S. Capitol
 As the 2012-2013 program concludes, I would like to ask for your support for me and for the program moving forward. Part of my commitment as a MEPS fellow is to raise at least $500 for the furthering of the MEPS program.

I would really appreciate your financial support! You can donate securely through PayPal.
1. Go to this link:
2. Enter the dollar amount you would like to donate and log on to your PayPal account
3. By your total there is a place to "Add special instructions to the seller". Please click on that and then add my name.
4. Then finish your transaction!

Lastly, I would like to thank each one of you for your support of me over the years in both my personal life and in my involvement in politics. I am truly grateful.

Again, I would really appreciate your support for the program! I look forward to hearing back from you.




For more information about the MEPS Series: please go to or let me know if you have any questions, please let me know.

To donate: Please click the link (if donating online, please mention my name in the notes section) or contact me. 

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