It seems as if summer has just flown by. It is already a good ways into July. I know I have been bad about writing, but honestly I'm not sure what happened to June. It was pretty busy. I'll try and recount a bit so you know where I'm at.
The first week of June we celebrated my sister's birthday. Then throughout the month we continued to celebrate birthdays for 3 of my nieces and 1 of my nephews.
In between all that, there was also a few political things I was involved in. Attending a couple of meetings, walking in a few parades, organizing volunteers, and helping candidates in other ways were just some of the things that took up time.
On top of those things, there was just the everyday things that we try to get done! Mowing lawn is a good example of this! It has been raining a ton lately. Which makes the grass grow...a lot. The other week I was going to mow lawn and every time I said that or went out to do it, it rained... finally got it done, but now it is time to do it again!
On a side note, we did see quite a few rainbows even a few double ones!
The beginning of July had also been as busy as June! Of course we celebrated Independence Day! It is one of my favorite holidays! We were in 2 parades walking for political candidates, had a picnic, and then watched a great fireworks show on the 4th.
Below is a picture of how I did my sister's hair for the 4th. I thought it would be fun to share with all of you! It is a star braid!
I started writing this post last Thursday and as I was writing it out I thought I would share what was coming up in July. But now a couple of those things have happened, so I get to share that as well! We were waiting for my nephew to be born and his due date was on Thursday, but he decided to show up just yesterday! I'm so excited to be an auntie for the 14th time (and to think I'll be an auntie x 15 come this Fall)!
Today, we celebrated the little guy's oldest sister's birthday. Lots of celebrating going on! We got to go to a brand new playground in town. I have to say I even had fun "playing" at it! It is one of the best parks I have ever seen. It even has a zip line!
(On top of the zip line, is the Spirit of St. Louis! The zip line also has a map showing Charles Lindbergh's flight from New York to Paris.)
I think all of that finally gets us caught up to today! Coming up the rest of the month, we are celebrating a few more birthdays, including my own, and my parents' anniversary! July is getting to be a busy time for celebrations!
So what is keeping you busy? What kinds of things are filling your summer days?
Love Janaya's hair!! That is a cute idea! Your summer sounds fun and full!