
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Swimsuit Shopping - Part 2

Yesterday, I received two packages in the mail. If you will remember I ordered three different times and one of them got completely cancelled. (You can read the beginning of the story here). I was excited to see what actually showed up. I ended up with one swimsuit top and two swim skirts. I tried it all on and only the bottoms worked for me. I tried the top and it just wasn’t what I was looking for. So I had two halves to a swimsuit, but not one complete suit.

I decided I would try again…not sure why, except for the fact that I would like to have a swimsuit that I like. So I checked the store online again and it said that a couple of the tops that I wanted were still on the site. I called the store and asked them to verify if the items were still in stock. I was told they were. So I went ahead and ordered three tops. I got an email within five minutes telling me that, sure enough, they were cancelled. I called the store for the second time and this time, they told me that the items were no longer in stock. They did however say that I could call another a number and they could look for it in a store and have it shipped out to me. I called this number and the lady I talked with graciously looked for it in the store. She said she couldn’t guarantee anything, but she would try hard to find it. I gave her all my information to order one of the tops and now I will wait again and hopefully have a complete swimsuit by the end of the summer! I have not lost hope yet!

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