
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Swimsuit Saga-Part 3

I realized that I had never finished the swimsuit saga. In part 2, I mentioned that I was waiting to get yet another top in the mail. I did get a swim top in the mail finally! It was sent to me by one of the sister stores of the company that I had originally had been shopping at. I'm so glad the company worked with me in order to help me out. That is good customer service!

About a week later, my mom and I were at our local store where I had gotten my other swimsuit pieces from. They also had a few swimsuit left there, so I thought I would take a look. I ended up finding the same exact top that I had sent to me, only in a different color. I bought that piece as well.

So in the long run, I did end up with two complete swimsuits! All from the same company. I ended up paying less than $40 for each swimsuit (top and bottom). Since I ended up with two that worked in the end, I decided to keep both. I just hope they last a while! And I don't have to go on the great swimsuit hunt again any time soon!

Part 1:
Part 2: 

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