
Saturday, January 10, 2015

2015! A new year, new resolutions!

This year I decided I wanted to try for 5 resolutions/goals for the year. I am also picking a word for the year. One other new thing I am going to try this year is a vision board. I'm still working on what that will be! 

Below are my goals/resolutions:

1. Journaling more! 3-5 times per week

- I'm using the app Day One for this. The app has reminders. It also allows you to add a picture to the journal entry. 

2. Bible reading, studying, memorizing (Listening to bible on cd)

-I have the dramatized Bible on cd in the NKJV that I am planning on listening to. 

3. Learning new things/trying new things (12x)

-Not sure what these will be yet!

4.Read 50 books (at least 10 non-fiction)

-I'm keeping track on Goodreads and also planning on using this book challenge I found on Pinterest. 

5. Pray more specifically and intentional 

-This includes prayer journaling. I'm also trying this method: 

Word of the year: Trust

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

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