
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Where Has Summer Gone???

As always, around this time, I am wondering what happened to Summer... June and July were very nice and of course busy. Then August came and is now close to being over with and I'm still wondering what happened. 

Living in Minnesota, you have only a few short months of Summer, of warm weather, of beach days... Then we have Fall, followed by that never ending season that seems to last forever. The season that starts with a "W" begins to sound like a bad word...

I absolutely love summertime and I hope to enjoy a few more days of warm weather! Anyway, I am going to hopefully get a few more posts done soon of what has been happening and I hope to share some fun things with you! 

Hope you are enjoying these last days of Summer! Go make the best of them!

One of the pretty flowers by our house earlier this summer!

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