If you have ever heard of The Five Love Languages* (book by Gary Chapman), you may have heard that one of the "languages" is words of affirmation. Whenever I take the love languages test*, that is the one that comes up highest.
Yesterday was a good reminder of just how much words impact my life.
Yesterday morning, my family received some very hard news, news we may have predicted, but, nevertheless, it was still hard news to get. Of course, that news came through words. It was like someone stuck a knife in you. It cut right into my heart... Those words hurt...
Yesterday morning, I also posted my last blog post about my sabbatical on Facebook. I wasn't sure what the response would be. I wasn't sure if I would want any responses. But this time God used words to completely bless me. I didn't receive any negative response. Everyone was so supportive and it was such an encouragement to me. I felt like it was just one more affirmation that I was doing what God has asked of me.
While yesterday certainly had its ups and downs, I certainly saw how words affect me.
Another "down" was going to a funeral of a young women who was only years older than me. It was hard. One of the family members spoke and he reminded us just how short life is and to remember to tell those around you, "I love you". He encouraged the listeners to call an old friend or reconnect with a family member. Those words resonated with me.
Finally, after all that happened yesterday, we went to run some errands and decided to go to the new Hobby Lobby store that just opened nearby. The place was filled with words! I love all the signs and plaques that they have. I went up and down the aisles reading the words and was so encouraged. The words filled my heart.
All this brings me back to the Word, the most important word, Jesus Christ. In John 1:1, it says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” I love that we can point it all back to the Word, to God. He has created each one of us and not one the same. I am so glad He created me to love words and that I have the privilege to love the Word and be loved by Him.
Do you love words?
What is your love language?*
*Link to the Five Love Languages: http://www.5lovelanguages.com
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