
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Plans for My Sabbatical

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to share on our local Christian radio station that I am taking a sabbatical. They were asking the question, "What are your plans for the summer?" I was excited to call in and share, except the fact that I kind of blanked on what all my plans are, except the sabbatical part!

So for everyone interested, here are some of my plans/goals:
  • Blog! So far, so good!
  • Continue to be politically active (lit drop, phone call, walk in parades, etc...)
  • Go to the Republican National Convention
  • Start an Etsy store
  • Travel (TX, NY, KY, OH, maybe more...)
  • Visit the Ark Encounter (So excited for this!!!)
  • Help plan our homeschool group's 25th year reunion
  • Volunteer with a student leadership camp
  • Write a magazine article
  • Attend Decision America in my state 
  • Volunteer at church 
  • Be there for friends/family who are going through tough situations
  • Find other ways to volunteer and look for ways that God can use me in people's lives 
This is not a complete list... It is not all set in stone; some are plans, some are things I hope will happen and are more goals that I have. Mostly I want to be open to God's leading. I want to live in the moment and experience a lot. It is my time to go outside my comfort zone and see where God guides me.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 
Proverbs 3:5-6
  What are your plans for the summer? Are you ready to go where God leads?

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