
Sunday, January 7, 2018

2018 Resolutions

I don't have many yet. I am still working on them. I may do more quarterly goals instead this year. :)

So here is what I have so far:

Word of the Year: FAITH
(See previous post)

1. Read the Bible in a year. 
It has been a while since I have read the whole Bible in a year and am going to try to again this year. I will read 25 chapters a week to finish in a year. I will be jumping a round a little, but will read one whole book at a time. I am reading four chapters in the morning from my chosen book and one at night from one of the poetry books.

For example, this first week looks like this: 
Genesis 1-20 and Psalms 1-5

I will read on 4-5 days depending on what works for that week. As of this week, it is looking like Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and maybe Saturday, if I don't get it all done.

2. Read 52 books.
This boils down to one book per week. I was able to make my goal of 50 books last year, so I am excited to do this again, and am actually hoping I make it over my goal!
(Also, I am excited to be sharing some reviews of a couple ARCs that I am currently reading.)

3. Have monthly goals.
January - I really want to focus on getting back in the habit of consistent Bible Reading. 
February and beyond: To be decided... 

Hopefully, I will get a few more posts up on here this year! Happy New Year! And blessings to you as you work on your goals!

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