
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Goals - May 2018 Update

February 2018, that was the last time I wrote anything on my blog… three months ago. It is not like it has never been months between blog posts, but I have wanted to post, have had ideas, and just haven’t written anything. I have plenty of excuses. If you want excuses: I have a lot going on, just haven’t made time for it, or actually, I really have no good excuses! You make time for it if you want it, right?

A friend sent me an email a few weeks ago and asked me if I had written anything lately and the answer was no, I even took forever to reply to the email… So today I was trying to figure out why I haven’t made my blog a priority. When I wrote the JOY Blog, I blogged monthly, sometimes weekly. When I switched over to Musings, it was hit and miss, which I knew would happen at that point in my life. I was taking college classes, interning, and was a nanny. The blog was and is my musings, my random thoughts. So while I love consistency, lists, planning, that may not be what happens here! That is just real life for you! I am trying to be more intentional with my time. I continue to work on my goals.

Goals. That February post I started talking about was a book review. My last post before that was on my resolutions/goals for 2018. So let’s talk about that for a bit!


Word of the Year: Faith Update: God has definitely been teaching me about faith, about living by faith. I love how in my Bible reading I keep seeing how “by faith” this or that happened. Or because of their faith…

1. Read the Bible in a year. 
It has been a while since I have read the whole Bible in a year and am going to try to again this year. I will read 25 chapters a week to finish in a year. I will be jumping a round a little, but will read one whole book at a time. I am reading four chapters in the morning from my chosen book and one at night from one of the poetry books.

I will read on 4-5 days depending on what works for that week. As of this week, it is looking like Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and maybe Saturday, if I don't get it all done.
Update: I will admit I got way behind on my Bible reading plan. The goal was about 100 chapters a month or 25 per week. I think it was back in March where I got behind. But as of today, I am at 425 chapters. By the end of May I would like to finish 500 chapters. That would be 75 chapters in 12 days so we will see if I make it! If I can get close, I will be happy! While it is not something I need to be guilty about when I am behind, I still want to make God’s Word a priority. The goal is to read His Word 4-5 days a week and I am thankful that that is more my goal than just reading it to read it!

2. Read 52 books.
This boils down to one book per week. I was able to make my goal of 50 books last year, so I am excited to do this again, and am actually hoping I make it over my goal!
(Also, I am excited to be sharing some reviews of a couple ARCs that I am currently reading.)
Update: I did get up 3 reviews earlier this year! I keep track of my books on Goodreads (and also a paper copy). I am currently at 23 books which is ahead of my one book per week goal!

3. Have monthly goals.
January - I really want to focus on getting back in the habit of consistent Bible Reading. 
February and beyond: To be decided... 
Update: Well, about this… January and February – I did focus on my Bible Reading. February – I was going to focus on prayer, but that didn’t really happen. March, April – well… not really any specific goals. It was political season and that is where my spare time went. Sometime in April I did start exercising again! May – catch up on my Bible reading, hopefully!

I was trying to think what else has happened in the past few months. Lots! Here are some of the fun new things:
  •  Tried watercolor painting
  •  Dyed my hair red (mostly highlights)
  • Switched my bullet journal into a traveler’s notebook (if you have no idea about either of those, just search them on pinterest, Instagram, or even Facebook groups.)
  • Studying about the word “busy” and what is the opposite is: rest, slow (I hope to blog on this soon)
  •  My sister and I are selling our New Chapter products locally at a consignment store! You can also find it on Etsy: 
(There are more, but they are not coming to my mind right now!) 

That’s my update! I am going to work on making time to blog, write, be creative! You may (or may not) see me on here more often!

The beginning of my painting

More color

Finished painting!

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