
Monday, December 31, 2018

2018: Year in Review

Word of the Year: FAITH

God has taught me a lot this year, but over and over again I am reminded of the importance of faith. 

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Over the past year I have come to realize how important my faith is to me and how important it is for me to surround myself with people who have faith in Jesus. 

It is hard to describe in a post how I learned more about faith, but as always, I seemed to see and hear this word a lot throughout the year. God used different opportunities to strengthen my faith and make me realize the importance of believing even when we can’t see. Even though it was hard, I felt like 2018 was a growing year for my faith. 

I’m excited to share my word for 2019 in a future post! 

1. Read the Bible in a year. 
Yay! I accomplished this! In fact, I finished my Bible read through in October. I was really excited about finishing early, however, for November and December I seemed to lose my consistency since I didn’t have a plan to follow. I’m excited to start a new plan for 2019!

2. Read 52 books.
Again, I’m excited to say I accomplished this and went beyond it reading 63 books in 2018. 

3. Have monthly goals.
January - I really want to focus on getting back in the habit of consistent Bible Reading. 
I did this one!

I think I did a couple things back in February and March, but I don’t remember what they were! So this goal didn’t goes as well as I had hoped! 

Stay tuned for my 2019 goals and Word of the Year! Have a happy end to 2018! 

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