
Monday, November 18, 2019

Goals - Looking ahead

It is usually around this time of year, around Thanksgiving and Christmas, that I start considering what some of my goals will be for next year. I take some time to look back over the year and see what I have accomplished of the goals I set in January and I look to the new year and what I would like to accomplish in the next year.

However, I haven't spent very much time thinking about my goals for next year. I really like picking a "word of the year," even better than making New Year's resolutions. I like the "word" because it becomes a theme. I see God using it in my life. It makes me more intentional and it sticks with me all year long!

In 2019, I chose the word "embrace." God has used this over and over in my life this year. I have chosen to embrace life. Embrace things I wouldn't normally do. Embrace experiences and opportunities. Embrace people (literally and figuratively).

One of our sayings at our house this year became "people over things." People are more important, so putting our focus on them. Even when we were busy. Even when the house wasn't perfect. Even when we didn't feel up to it. Making an impact on someone, not something

So as I look to the new year, as I look to 2020...I am not sure of what my goals will be or of what my word of the year will be. I will spend the next month and a half pondering and praying over what God has for me for 2020.

One thing I do know is that I want to live by His plan, His agenda. I want my plans to be shaped by His will and plans for me. I don't want my ideas to just be my ideas. I want them to be what God wants for me.

So as you look to 2020, are you planning on making some new goals/resolutions for the year or not? Are you picking a "word of the year?"

As always, I will be sharing some of mine in the coming months!

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