
Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Joy of Falling by Lindsay Harrel - Book Review

I am a huge fan of Lindsay Harrel’s books! I have loved each one. She writes with such depth. When I began reading this one, I wasn’t sure about the storyline. I am not a runner and don’t enjoy that sport at all, so I wasn’t sure how I could relate to the characters. But it was an interesting perspective as I have many friends who like to run and I could look at it from their point of view. Also, as much as the story is about an ultra-marathon, it is also not. It is about the journey. And about finding joy in that journey. 
The joy in the midst of grief. The joy in the happiness. Harrel does an excellent job of weaving this story together. As always, I enjoy how deep and real her stories are. And of course, it is such a fun setting! I now have a new place I want to travel to! 

So to end, I want to encourage you to read this story and let it touch your heart! There are so inspiring quotes throughout this book and many I will take with me. I hope you will enjoy this adventure and that you will leave understanding more about what joy really is. 

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

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