
Friday, May 8, 2020

2020 - Resolutions

 Well, it is May and I am just realizing that I never posted this post and never even finished it for that matter! Here is how far I got with it...

I couldn't decide what to do about New Year's Resolutions this year. I really wanted to make some, but last year I seemed to not complete very many of them. I am the type of person who, if I make a goal, I want to complete it. I don't want to fail.

So I wrote down many things for this year...

But I think I need to scale it back a bit. If you read my post on my word for 2020, you will know our family has a lot going on in 2020.

I read a blog post from Money Saving Mom that inspired me to do monthly goals. So I think I will be trying some of those this year and breaking my goals down a bit.

At this point, it seems silly to go back and try to rehash what my goals are/were for the year. What I will say is God is working in my life. If you read my post about my word for the year, you will know it was peace. You will also know that peace is not the word I wanted. I wanted something like vision or focus. It is 2020 after all! But God gave me the word peace and I felt no option in it! And I am so thankful for, not only the word, but for the true sense of peace I have felt in the midst of all that is going on in the world.

As always, God knows best! Peace is just what I needed this year. I recently shared all of this with some friends and one of them said something along the lines of "God gave you a vision of peace for this year." I couldn't agree more. My focus for the year is peace. Peace in the midst of a pandemic. True peace that comes from God.

So this post that was supposed to be all about my goals and resolutions for the year is simply about peace, about looking for God and how He is still working, about going where He leads.

Yes, I still have goals, plans, and things I resolve to do. But right now, my plan, as it should always be, is to let God lead. To let this be my reset. To see what God's priorities are for my life.

Go in God's peace.

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