
Monday, January 18, 2021

2021 - Goals and Looking Forward

It is almost the end of January and I am finally sitting down to share some goals for the year. I hesitate to make any after last year, but in the end, I think it is better to make them and not succeed, than to not make them at all. 

So here are some goals for 2021:

  • Listen to the whole Bible Chronologically. 
    • I am using the YouVersion Bible app for this and am really enjoying it. I actually started it mid-December am already 32 days in. I am not doing this quite every day, but when I do listen, I tend to listen to a couple days at a time. I have already listened to Genesis and Job and am now in Exodus.
  • Read the Prevail daily devo book by Susie Larson. 
    • Again, not doing daily, but trying for 4-5 days a week.
  • Write in my 5-year Gratitude Journal.
    • Goal: 4-7 days a week!
  • Pray for my nieces and nephews (and other family and friends).
    • I believe the best thing I can do for my nieces and nephews is to be a praying auntie. I was reminded again this week how important it is to lift up people in prayer. (Go watch War Room!) I also was reminded how prayer changes you first and then the people you pray for. 
    • For practical purposes: I wrote all my nieces and nephews names down on index cards and I plan to pray for a couple of them each day. I will pull out a couple random names form one jar and put them in another jar until I get through all the names and then I will start over. 
    • I will also be using the book Pray for Me by Tony Souder.
  • Read 60 books this year.
    • 48 fiction (about 4 per month)
    • 12 non-fiction (at least 1 per month)
  • Get back to exercising more. 
    • 3-4 times per week.
    • Just being intentional to move and get my heartbeat up for awhile!
  • Be intentional about encouragement, gratitude, and being there for people. 
    • After a year of not having enough connection, communication, and just time with people, I want to be intentional about reaching out to people. Not sure how this will look yet, but it is on my heart. I want to intentionally reach out to people and be authentic and real.
    • Some ideas:
      • Thank you cards
      • Notes of encouragement
      • Texts
      • Showing up for people (when not expected)
      • Bringing someone baked goods or meals
      • ... 
  • Fun Goals
    • Wear a dress or skirt each week
      • I love wearing dresses, but I don't much in the Winter because I don't like all the layers. This goal is to help me overcome the "I don't like wearing dresses in the Winter" and just doing it anyway!
    • Bake bread each week (Try new kinds)
      • Also have my sour dough starter going again!
    • Work on my graphic design skills!
      • And sharing my designs.

My goal is to break all of this up into monthly goals!

Word of the Year update: Short answer is I don't have one yet! I don't want to settle on one to just have one. I want to wait until I know that God is showing me a certain word. I have a list of them, but not sure if any of them are right. I am still praying about it and will post here when I have one for 2021!

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