I loved reading Lisa Tawn Bergren’s third book in her series called the Grand Tour Series. The series tells the story of a young lady and her recently discovered wealthy family as they go on the “grand tour” across Europe. Glittering Promises sums up the series as they come to the conclusion of their tour. As you are touring along with the family, you will wish you are really there!
I could not wait to read this book and after reading it, I was not disappointed. Lisa did a lovely job of wrapping up the series in Glittering Promises. I couldn't put the book down as the story completely held my attention. And there was even a few surprises at the end. I would highly recommend the whole series!
***Here is a link to purchase the book on Amazon. Also, the second book in the series is free on Kindle and other devices, so make sure you check it out! (I don't know how long that offer is good, so make sure you get it soon!)
Thanks for the review, Mandy!