
Monday, October 7, 2013

I'm thankful for... Day 6 & 7

This past weekend, my family (including siblings, in-laws, nieces, and nephews) went camping. Our Fall camping trips are usually fun family times and there are almost always memories that are made. And this year was no exception! Starting out and even part of the trip, I was not very thrilled to be there. The forecast was about 100% chance of rain and it did rain almost all day Saturday and part of Sunday. So we were all very thankful yesterday when the sun came out! We even got to go riding (4-wheelers and dirt bikes)!

After the sun came out, we all felt so much better. I am also thankful for all the beautiful Fall colors. 

This is looking out over the lake that we camped by. 

Looking at the lake through the trees. 

Did your weekend turn out to be what you planned? What did you do this past weekend? 

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