
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend 2016

A few things to share...

-This past week, I saw a picture on Facebook that described what Memorial Day is all about. I shared it on the Musings Facebook page if you want to see it: 

It reminds us that this weekend is in memory of those who gave their lives for our country (and also tells what Veteran's Day and Armed Forces Day are all about).

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”
1 John 3:16 NIV

-Did you see the Chewbacca Mom this past week? 

- Here is a fun quiz to see which Christian Fiction Author you are:

-Today, I got a CD in the mail from our radio! Remember I told how I got to tell about my sabbatical on the Christian radio station? Well, I got entered in to win their CD of the month! 

-One more fun thing that happened this week, I reached over 10,000 all time page views here on Musings! 

-Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Plans for My Sabbatical

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to share on our local Christian radio station that I am taking a sabbatical. They were asking the question, "What are your plans for the summer?" I was excited to call in and share, except the fact that I kind of blanked on what all my plans are, except the sabbatical part!

So for everyone interested, here are some of my plans/goals:
  • Blog! So far, so good!
  • Continue to be politically active (lit drop, phone call, walk in parades, etc...)
  • Go to the Republican National Convention
  • Start an Etsy store
  • Travel (TX, NY, KY, OH, maybe more...)
  • Visit the Ark Encounter (So excited for this!!!)
  • Help plan our homeschool group's 25th year reunion
  • Volunteer with a student leadership camp
  • Write a magazine article
  • Attend Decision America in my state 
  • Volunteer at church 
  • Be there for friends/family who are going through tough situations
  • Find other ways to volunteer and look for ways that God can use me in people's lives 
This is not a complete list... It is not all set in stone; some are plans, some are things I hope will happen and are more goals that I have. Mostly I want to be open to God's leading. I want to live in the moment and experience a lot. It is my time to go outside my comfort zone and see where God guides me.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 
Proverbs 3:5-6
  What are your plans for the summer? Are you ready to go where God leads?

Republican State Convention 2016

This past weekend was our state's Republican Convention. It was a two-day convention where we elected delegates and alternates to the National Republican Convention and go through resolutions to the state party's platform. It was a busy weekend. I always enjoy seeing all the people we have met over the years through politics.

I also had my picture taken with the GOP Elephant!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Captain America: Civil War - Movie Night

My younger sister and I went to the movie Captain America: Civil War this past week. There was one quote from the movie that really stood out to me and I wanted to share it with you.

"Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, 'No, you move'."

It seems to me that these days everyone feels the need to compromise. I believe that there are some things we can't compromise on. My faith, my values, and my convictions are things I cannot compromise on. Often times, it is not easy. But God calls us to take a stand! I am learning this lesson and I am sure there is still much to learn! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Visiting the Captiol and Friends - May 17, 2016

It was such a great day today! My mom, sister, and I headed down to our Capitol to visit our legislators and friends before session ends for the year. It is a busy time of year for them as they only have about one week left. Please remember to pray for your legislators! They work hard!

Our Capitol in MN is currently under construction...  I took these pictures on my phone so they aren't great, but I wanted you to be able to take a peek at it.

They are also working on the outside of the Capitol building. Here is one of the cranes lifting something onto the Capitol.

While there is very limited public access we were able to get a pass to visit the House Chamber and visit some of our representatives.

We also were able to visit a friend that has cancer. It was such a blessing to visit with her and her mom. The t-shirt I have on says "Not all cancer is pink". Many times we see the pink ribbons that represent cancer, but there are so many different forms of cancer and her t-shirts are raising awareness for that!

It was such a blessing to be around so many people that share the same passions. Many of the friends we visited with share our Christian faith and I really felt encouraged after spending time with them. One of my friends reminded me that home is where Jesus is and we are also at home when we are with other believers. It was a great reminder!

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
 Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)

Indiana! May 8-13, 2016

On Mother's Day, May 8, my dad, mom, younger sister, and I left for Indiana! My dad had a work convention and we girls went with just for fun! We love road trips, so it was a fun ride out there and back. While there we went exploring and did a lot of walking in downtown Indianapolis. (Actually, we walked eight miles one day and 12 the next, 20 miles in two day!)

The view from our hotel window

By the Indiana State House

Also from our hotel window

The canal that we walked along

Saturday, May 7, 2016

I Love Words!

I really do love words, but, whether good or bad, they have a very powerful affect on me. They can lift me up, or tear me down. 

If you have ever heard of The Five Love Languages* (book by Gary Chapman), you may have heard that one of the "languages" is words of affirmation. Whenever I take the love languages test*, that is the one that comes up highest. 

Yesterday was a good reminder of just how much words impact my life. 

Yesterday morning, my family received some very hard news, news we may have predicted, but, nevertheless, it was still hard news to get. Of course, that news came through words. It was like someone stuck a knife in you. It cut right into my heart... Those words hurt...

Yesterday morning, I also posted my last blog post about my sabbatical on Facebook. I wasn't sure what the response would be. I wasn't sure if I would want any responses. But this time God used words to completely bless me. I didn't receive any negative response. Everyone was so supportive and it was such an encouragement to me. I felt like it was just one more affirmation that I was doing what God has asked of me. 

While yesterday certainly had its ups and downs, I certainly saw how words affect me. 

Another "down" was going to a funeral of a young women who was only years older than me. It was hard. One of the family members spoke and he reminded us just how short life is and to remember to tell those around you, "I love you". He encouraged the listeners to call an old friend or reconnect with a family member. Those words resonated with me. 

Finally, after all that happened yesterday, we went to run some errands and decided to go to the new Hobby Lobby store that just opened nearby. The place was filled with words! I love all the signs and plaques that they have. I went up and down the aisles reading the words and was so encouraged. The words filled my heart.   

All this brings me back to the Word, the most important word, Jesus Christ. In John 1:1, it says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” I love that we can point it all back to the Word, to God. He has created each one of us and not one the same. I am so glad He created me to love words and that I have the privilege to love the Word and be loved by Him. 

Do you love words? 
What is your love language?*

*Link to the Five Love Languages:

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My Sabbatical - A Leap of Faith

A new season of life.


Going outside of my comfort zone.

A challenge.

A leap of faith. (It is leap year after all!)

With the encouragement and blessing of my parents, peace from God, and the desire for change, growth, and something new, I am setting out on a new season in my life.

I am taking a personal sabbatical.

There have been many things leading up to this decision. I have felt so many affirmations in my decision. This was truly a choice I made that was between me and God (and encouragement from my parents!). There have been road blocks, questions asked, doubts, and maybe even some tears at the possibilities of change, of going outside my comfort zone. I like my comfort zone. After all, it is pretty comfy there, but in the end, staying in my comfort zone will not lead to growth for me. So here I go; I have taken a leap of faith.

According to Merriam-Webster, a sabbatical is defined as: a period of time during which someone does not work at his or her regular job and is able to rest, travel, do research, etc.

So I am going on a sabbatical. Today, was officially my last day at work. (I worked at a great job and loved my co-workers. I will definitely miss them and their fun nature.)  Leaving my job was a hard choice to make. I left behind good people, pay, and benefits. But I believe there is so much more to life than just money. I want to go experience more of the world. I want to rediscover my passions. I want to live with no regrets. One thing I keep thinking about is that my grandpa always said that he wished he could have done more. When he was in his last years of life, he continued to encourage all of his family to travel and do things while we still could.

The truth comes down to the fact that none of us know how much time we have left on this earth. We could have decades, years, days, or even minutes. But I believe each one of us was put here for "such a time as this". I believe this is my time to do this. I want to do this while I am young, able, and have the resources to do so.

I know there will be more questions asked of me and, honestly, I have not been ready to answer these questions. This is not what the world would say is smart to do. In fact, I am not sure if all of my family and friends will agree with my decision, yet I have felt God is telling me to step out in faith. And I believe He will bless me for that.

I am planning on blogging about my journey, so please stay tuned for more information and feel free to comment below. God has already been doing big things in my life and I hope to share those things here soon. I have many plans for the summer and am excited to see how I can be used by God and how He will work in my life.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 (NIV)