
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Family Arrangement by Gabrielle Meyer - Book Review

A Family Arrangement by Gabrielle Meyer

This story by Gabrielle Meyer is about the founding of a little town in the MN Territory. I enjoyed the story because it is part of the history of my hometown. I know that the fictional struggles, as well as the real struggles, that the founders of this town went through, did eventually pay off because the town is here today! I appreciated that I could picture the small town as it was growing and being established. I could envision the streets and the buildings as they were going up. The book has a special connection for me because I love my hometown and it is fun to read this fictional story of its founding.

The story is about how a family can deal with trials and grief (the loss of their wife, mother, and sister). There are many struggles that went along with settling a new town. It took a strong person to pursue such an endeavor, but even then, it was still a hard battle. One of my favorite lines in the book was this: “’What dream has God planted in your heart?’ the reverend asked, searching the crowd. ‘What dream do you need to nurture and water, so it can produce a harvest? I urge you to ask God this question, and seek His answer.’” The main character, Abram Cooper, did have a dream of starting a new town for his family so he could leave them a legacy. He also had the faith to do it. The story includes friendship, love, history, and the stamina to endure through the trials of life. I think you will enjoy this story of Little Falls and how one man’s dream created history!

At Gabrielle's book signing of A Mother in The Making
A little more of the history of A Family Arrangement can be found here on Gabrielle's blog.

Here is the link to buy her book on Amazon.

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this review, Mandy! I'm happy you enjoyed the story and the history behind our hometown. My prayer is that my stories encourage people to dig deeper into history. There is so much to learn from those who went before us.


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