
Monday, November 21, 2016

One More Song to Sing by Lindsay Harrel - Book Review

One More Song to Sing by Lindsay Harrel

Lindsay Harrel’s debut novel is a well-spun story! The story is one of hardships and successes, generational curses and the ability to overcome them, trials, heartaches, forgiveness, and love.

One More Song to Sing tells the story of one girl’s quest to find her mother and the story of the mother who left that child behind and the reasons why she left her. It shows how each one of the decisions in this book affect many different lives.

There are many different relationships in this story and each bring unique challenges to the interweaving of the different character’s lives. I love how you see the effects that one person’s life has on many others. Ultimately, you see the love that each character has for each other. There is the love of a grandma and granddaughter, a mother and daughter, roommates, co-workers, friends, and significant others. But most importantly, you see what a relationship with God looks like and the struggles that each character faces on their journey of faith. It is their faith and God’s love and grace for them that help them make it through. The forgiveness that is offered in this story demonstrates the forgiveness that God offers us.

There are too many wonderful things I loved in this story to mention them all here, so I will end with this. Read this story! You will not be disappointed with the depth of this first-time author’s story. I look forward to many more stories from Lindsay Harrel in the future. 

Amazon Link to Lindsay's Book

My mom, my sister, and I got to have our picture taken with Lindsay a couple months ago!

(R to L: My sister, my mom, Lindsay, and me) 

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

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