
Monday, November 18, 2019

Goals - Looking ahead

It is usually around this time of year, around Thanksgiving and Christmas, that I start considering what some of my goals will be for next year. I take some time to look back over the year and see what I have accomplished of the goals I set in January and I look to the new year and what I would like to accomplish in the next year.

However, I haven't spent very much time thinking about my goals for next year. I really like picking a "word of the year," even better than making New Year's resolutions. I like the "word" because it becomes a theme. I see God using it in my life. It makes me more intentional and it sticks with me all year long!

In 2019, I chose the word "embrace." God has used this over and over in my life this year. I have chosen to embrace life. Embrace things I wouldn't normally do. Embrace experiences and opportunities. Embrace people (literally and figuratively).

One of our sayings at our house this year became "people over things." People are more important, so putting our focus on them. Even when we were busy. Even when the house wasn't perfect. Even when we didn't feel up to it. Making an impact on someone, not something

So as I look to the new year, as I look to 2020...I am not sure of what my goals will be or of what my word of the year will be. I will spend the next month and a half pondering and praying over what God has for me for 2020.

One thing I do know is that I want to live by His plan, His agenda. I want my plans to be shaped by His will and plans for me. I don't want my ideas to just be my ideas. I want them to be what God wants for me.

So as you look to 2020, are you planning on making some new goals/resolutions for the year or not? Are you picking a "word of the year?"

As always, I will be sharing some of mine in the coming months!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Take Back Your Time by Morgan Tyree - Book Review

Take Back Your Time is a helpful resource. When I heard the name of the book, I was instantly interested. In Morgan Tyree’s book, she talks about how to figure out what your goals/purposes are and then how to achieve them. She also provides helpful information about how to schedule your time. I like that she offers practical tips on how to apply all her suggestions, but specifically on picking a calendar that will work for you. Looking back at the book, Tyree is very good about giving you lots of suggestions, but then making sure that you do what works for you. If you are looking for a book that will help you get on top of your busy life, this might be it! 

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

Monday, June 17, 2019

She Walks in Love by MaryLu Tyndall – Book Review

She Walks in Love by MaryLu Tyndall – Book Review

She Walks in Love is the second book in MaryLu Tyndall’s Protectors of the Spear series. Tyndall’s books have always held my attention until the very end and this story is no different. I love the setting and time of this book. It is a medieval story filled with adventure, romance, danger, and excitement. There are ladies and knights and all the things you would expect from a story set in that time period! At the core of the story, you see how the characters must depend not on their own strength, but on the strength of God. You see how they must trust each other and trust God in each and every situation. I look forward to the next story in this series! Be sure to check out the whole series!

 Find the book on Amazon!

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Now and Then and Always by Melissa Tagg - Book Review

Now and Then and Always by Melissa Tagg - Book Review 

I couldn’t hardly wait to read another story by Melissa Tagg. I have completely loved her other books and was really looking forward to this one! Now and Then and Always did not disappoint. In fact, it may be one of her best stories yet! This story was funny, full of laughter, yet dealt with deep issues and hard feelings. Tagg did an excellent job of intertwining all of the elements. This story provided all the elements you have become accustomed to with Tagg’s writing (romance, humor, etc..), but this one also includes some mystery which kept me going right to the end! 

It was great returning to Melissa Tagg’s fictional town of Maple Valley. I wholeheartedly enjoyed this story and all it had to offer! Be sure to check it out as well as all of Tagg’s other books! 

Check out Melissa Tagg’s website here:

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Brunch at Bittersweet Cafe by Carla Laureano - Book Review


Brunch at Bittersweet Cafe is the second book in the Saturday Night Supper Club series by Carla Laureano. The story continues the series about three friends. These three women have a shared love of food! This particular story focuses in on the one who is a pastry chef. I can definitely say that after reading this book, it left me craving some culinary delights! The characters' love of food and making it special is conveyed well throughout the story.

I felt like I could relate to both of the main characters in this book. They both were struggling with knowing their place in life. Were they living their dreams or living the lives someone else had created for them or the life that they thought they might have wanted? Sometimes, we can get so caught up in life, we don't follow our dreams. Sometimes, we get caught up in what we thought we wanted, only to realize that is not what we really wanted. The story reminded me that it is good to reevaluate where we are in life and what our dreams are. As C.S. Lewis says, "You are never too old to set another goal or dream another dream." I love the journey that the characters go on and how they are faced with real life situations. I enjoyed the story and I look forward to reading the next one in the series!

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Secret of Paper and Ink by Lindsay Harrel - Book Review

The Secret of Paper and Ink

The Secret of Paper and Ink is such a beautifully crafted story. I have loved each of Lindsay Harrel’s books, but I truly believe each one she has written has gotten better and better. She writes with such depth and weaves hope into her stories. 

This book definitely ranks in my top five books. There is so much wisdom in this book and it touched me in such a deep way. 

The mystery in the book pulls you in and you don’t find out anything until the very end! It is captivating. The characters show real life struggles that relate to relevant issues of today’s culture. 

One of my favorite parts of the book is how it describes the impact a story can have on your life and why it is so important to tell your story. I found myself highlighting several parts of this story to go back and read again.

As with each of Lindsay Harrel’s books, I was drawn in, held captive, and left waiting to see what she will come up with for her next story! Check out this book for yourself and make sure you check out her other books, too! 

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019: Resolutions and Goals

2019: goals
1. Consistent Bible reading. 
Read my Bible 4-5 days per week. I’ll be using the She Reads Truth Bible this year and I’m going to use some of its reading plans for the books of the Bible. I am thinking I will start in January with John. 

2. Read 120 books. 
This is more than double last year’s goal, but this year I want to count all the children’s books that I read, too! I tend to read to my nieces and nephews a lot and I thought it would be fun to keep track of the children’s books. 

3. Consistent prayer time.
Along with my Bible reading, I want to get back in the habit of daily, intentional prayer.I still need an intentional plan for this.

4. Have monthly goals.
Something along the lines of trying something new each month or at least having a new goal each month. This didn't work well for me last year, but I am going to try again!
Some ideas:
-Do a skirt/dress challenge (wear skirts/dresses for 7-14 days).
-Ride bike 3-5/week (during the summer).

5. Keep track of the projects that I complete in 2019.
I love creating things and I thought it would be fun to keep track of what I am making. In December 2018, I kept track and it was fun to see that I had completed 5 knitting projects!

Word of the Year: EMBRACE  
For more on this, see the last post!

Happy New Year! Share some of your goals in the comments! I’d love to hear them!

2019: Word of the Year

Word of the Year: EMBRACE

This word started coming to me back in November. If you read my post on "being awkward," you will understand this word just a little more. Life is hard and we really don't have control over things, so why not just embrace what comes to you. I don't want to be discontent. I don't want to live in regrets. I don't want to live in the "if only" and "I didn't get my way." I want to embrace life. I want to embrace each part of it, the good and the bad. I want to embrace Jesus and all He has for me!

My Three:

I considered a couple different words, including "be" and "awkward" (again, see the post about it). Then I started thinking more and more about the word embrace. And I kept hearing it over and over again. About a week before Christmas, a friend and I were having a conversation and she asked me if I had picked a word for 2019 yet. I told her the first two options and said I had one other one, but I couldn't remember it right then. She then asked me about the word "embrace." I was like "That's the other word I was thinking of." I love how I couldn't even remember it in the moment, but God used her to remind me of the word that was already written in my notebook on my list of words for the year.

If you want to read the original story that got me started thinking about "embrace," check out this post.

The final determiner was a sermon I heard on the last Sunday in December. I felt like it was written just for me. Remember my post on what we deserve? Well, I felt like that theme rang throughout the sermon. And then over and over again, I heard the word "embrace." At the end, the one line that stood out to me was, "Embrace Jesus." And that is when I knew for sure I was going to embrace the word embrace!

I just love how God uses situations in our life to guide us! I think it is so important to be on the lookout! Look for those God-sightings!

The Dictionary Definition

: to accept readily or gladly 
 She is always ready to embrace an opportunity.

:to avail oneself of 
(avail:  advantage toward attainment of a goal or purpose, : to make use of : to take advantage of )
Here is a start to my list of embracing.
Embrace awkward. Embrace Out-of-Control. Embrace hard things. Embrace the little things. Embrace life. Embrace Jesus.

(A great blog post from Boundless on embracing out-of-control.)

Bible Verses:

...a time to embrace...
Ecclesiastes 3:5
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live... 
Deuteronomy 30:19  