March 21, 2020
If social distancing has taught me anything, it is that social media has not connected us as much as we have thought. We have said in the past few years that social media connects us more with people (which is true to an extent), yet we are lacking true connection, deep connection, face-to-face connection. Social media provides us with a method to communicate, but doesn’t make communication and connection happen.
Now that we are forced to be a part from each other, we are becoming more creative with how to connect better and use those methods to connect.
For example, before we had family friends that we typically got together with each week (in person) and talked on the phone with during the week, now we FaceTime (almost daily).
Before the “seeing” didn’t matter, now being able to see them (even through a screen) is huge.
Before we were seeing nieces and nephews occasionally in person, now we are making time to FaceTime.
Before I was just posting whatever struck my fancy on social media, now I’m trying to share positive posts and every day life.
I am struck by the before and after. Before there was a possibility of COVID-19 and now after it has hit our country. Each day of the past week or so, our lives have changed and yet it also feels like it happened overnight. And now it is figuring out how to live in this new world. How to make time for the people in your life.
This is a defining moment in our history. We have an opportunity to live it to the fullest, to share our hope, and to give God the glory, or we can let this moment pass, live in fear, and just keep plugging away on our own.
If this is going to be the point we look back to in our lives, then let’s remember it well. Let’s remember it by making a difference in people’s lives. Let’s remember it by sharing Jesus and the hope He brings. Let’s remember it by actually writing it down.
I’m not sure how many people still journal in this day and age, but now is as good a time as any to start. I personally use a bullet journal every day. Some days have a lot more info than others. Some days are just to-do lists. But bullet journaling is one way you can chronicle these times. There are multiple apps you can use such as Day One. Or you can simply pick up a notebook or open a document on your computer, and just start writing. Start recording.
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My current bullet journal |
This past week, I decided to start a separate “I’m thankful” journal. I’ve been wanting to do this since January 1, but haven’t made it a priority (I did use an app for part of January to record my thanksgiving). I saw on Instagram that someone was using a 5 year journal for their thankful journal. I love this idea. So I decided I would just make my own, with the month and day at top and the year in front of each entry. As I go through the years, I think it will be really cool to see what I was thankful for on the same day the year(s) before.
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My thankful journal |
I have started this practice by simply writing a couple things down before I go to bed. I literally have been putting the notebook on my pillow when I leave my bed in the morning so I have to move it before I go to bed, making it so I write in it!
Lastly, while you may or may not have more time on your hands, take some time to reflect. Take some time to look at what is really important in your life.
Make time for the people in your house. Get off social media for awhile. Go for a walk (my puppy has really been enjoying that). Play a game with your family. Try something new. Read your Bible. Sing a praise song. Write down what you are thankful for. FaceTime a friend (or use Google Hangouts or Zoom or...). Or pick up your phone and just call someone. Send a text.
We aren’t going to remember all the specific things we did during these strange and different times, but we are going to remember who cared, who was there for us, and how we reached out to those around us.
Remember, in this moment that may define us, shine the light for Jesus. Write down how He is working in your life and around you. Give thanks. And connect with people. God is with us, we need only to rely on Him for our strength, our peace, and our hope.
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My new mug that features my word of the year: peace |